Tuesday, March 02, 2010

30 Jan 2010 – Springbrook – Warrie 16km Circuit

Nick, Dionne, Trent, Rob Mikey and I arrived at the very clouded in Springbrook at 9am, we all wanted to do the walk even though it had been raining for the last couple of days and knew it was meant to be a little damp. There was only meant to be a shower late in the afternoon.

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It was a lovely cool day for a walk, so off we went, we realised that there might be a few leeches around so we had all sprayed ourselves and worn the right clothing, but nothing had prepared us for today.
It was leech heaven!!!

At any point that we looked down at our shoes, we had at least 5 leeches on each shoe and more crawling towards us!!!

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To make matters worse, it showered and rained on and off for most of the day!! So, we did the walk pretty fast as we hardly stopped for breaks!
But we got to see some amazing waterfalls and the famous Blue Crayfish walking between the ponds (they get quite big!)

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We where all quite soggy by the end of it and had a lovely hot afternoon tea at the café.

Gallery, Slide Show

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