Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dionne’s Hens Party Phase 2 and 3

Sat 13 June – Pistol Shooting

Dionne, Jimmy, Lynton, Sue and Gary.

We all met out at the Southport Pistol Shooting Club down the Gold Coast (opp the Brickworks) – paid our $99-, signed in and got our eye protection, ear protections and our rounds (50 rounds of .22 Ruger Pistol, 10 rounds of 9mm Glock, 10 rounds of .45 Glock 6 rounds of .38 Ruger GP100 Revolver & .44 Magnum- Dirty Harry).

As we were all unlicensed shooters (most of us first timers), we were shown how to load the pistols etc and help was at hand at all times. The pistols were also locked to cables so they could not be improperly handled (which was very reassuring).

We started off with the smallest pistol, and gradually got bigger. My favourite was the 38 special!!!.

Mind you watching Dionne with the 44 Magnum (The Dirty Harry gun) was hilarious, if it wasn’t for the cables, I think she would have ended up in the wall!

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Linton and Sue did their best shooting with the 44 Magnum – very scary!!!!

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We all had great fun!!!

We all headed across the road for a yummy lunch.

Dionne and I then went Light shopping for a couple of hours – very unproductive. Grabbed some dinner and a couple of movies, and hankered down in front of the fire with a bottle of red. Great way to catch up for the night.

Sun 14 June – Go Karting at Le-Mans Coomera

Dionne, Jimmy, Chrissy (the lead foot), Lynton and Trent (the two Sue’s where our cheering squad.

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Well, I have to say it was way more fun than anticipated, it was a staggered start – which was great and each lap was timed. We started off on the smaller carts and when we got used to them, we got upgraded to the big ones. It turns out that Chrissy the lead foot and I are very competitive…… and because we where next to each other the pit staff/crew where egging us on to get more out of the carts. We would continually shave off 100th of a second on each lap taking it in turns and being first) I think in the end we both did about 25 laps (we where only meant to do 18), my hands where red raw afterwards. Who won???? I have to admit that Chrissy beat me by 200th of a second in the end – and I will be looking for a rematch!!!!

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We then headed over to Oxenford Centro for a beautiful lunch, then headed home exhausted!!!!

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