Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bigriggen 2008


It was time for the annual pilgrimage to Rathdowney and the Bigriggen Campsite.

Mark, Sue and us turned up a few hours after we arrived, After spending the last 2 hrs setting up our tent we enjoyed watching other people setting up.

Bigriggen 2008-09
Our camp site

As the sun set we realised that the possums rely way too much on the campers for food and arriving on a Thursday, they hadn’t been feed in a while. We had one possum (we nicknamed possimo) not scared at all of jumping onto the arm of Mark's chair (between Mark and Sue’s) whilst they where finishing dinner. Possimo put his front paws on the table, Mark moved his plate away and possimo went after it, eating straight off the plate!

Bigriggen 2008-06


We all decided then and there that the food was going back into the cars for the evening (Mark and sue had one possum last year who ate a hole in the tent trying to get to the bread!).


Thursday night was a freezing cold!


Rob rocked up on Friday – wanting to relax and settled into a book. Whilst Mark, Sue, Mikey and I went off to visit the Wineries – Kooroomba Lavender Farm first for a tasting. Great as always and a wonderful view. We then headed up the road to a new winery Bunjurgen Estate that only grows two types of grapes Shiraz and Chamborchin. It was wonderful – even Mark and Sue enjoyed it and they don’t like red wine! No tannins, organic, low in alcohol – we enjoyed all of them, it was great to have the owner run us through all of them, he was tasting just as much as we were!. We are especially looking forward to visiting next year to taste out their port! If you like Alaskan Malamo’s this is the place to come there are two massive ones and the wine is named after them.

View from Kooroomba

We ducked into Boonah on the way back to grab a few items then back to the camp site to meet up with Nick, Dionne and Phil (in his sparkling new white car!). Everyone caught up with each other over dinner and songs and night boule (light up boule balls).


We all decided to drive to the lower portals and hike out, the brave boys (I wont say who didn’t you know who you are!) jumped into the freezing cold waters and swam up to the boulders – and as you can see from the photo’s they thought there white little bodies looked good! As one group of ladies said “quite the posers aren’t they”.

Freezing - Glacier Melt??

Dionne, Nick and Phil decided to do a rock scramble upstream for a couple of hours, whilst Mikey, Mark, Sue and I went back the way we came, we saw a metre long eel in the last portal (glad I didn’t get in the water!). Back to camp for a rest in front of the fire then dinner The boys then headed off for a session of night Frisbee, while the girls stayed by the fire with Possimo.


Back to the real world – bye Possimo!

Gallery, slide show

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